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Post by Deleted on Apr 25, 2016 10:16:09 GMT
Not too bothered about Hotah. He's a throwaway character in the books too.
Post by boojam on Apr 25, 2016 10:31:31 GMT
Someone posted Myles McNutt's episode article, McNutt is one of the best annalists of the show. wasn't sending Dorne down the toilet , it the burning of the Meereen fleet that made think that D&D made a decision after season 5 to finally dump any idea of following GRRM's 'broad strokes' for Winds of Winter. I frankly don't think, after about mid season , anything will be an adaption of Winds of Winter , there will be two totally different stories until the big dust up with the force from north of the Wall. I think the elaboration of that will be different than the books.
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Post by Deleted on Apr 25, 2016 10:47:04 GMT
I think mels glamour of herself did have something to do with the necklace as it glowed for a second and dulled again as she was taking it off. But I think the necklace more represents her losing her faith. 'The fire going out'
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Post by Deleted on Apr 25, 2016 10:57:07 GMT
i think she'll legitimise Tyene and the sandsnakes adn Ellaria will all rule together. But i'm not sure if that was a 'closing' scene and if Dorne will be revisited much if, at all for the rest of the season. The Iron Islands will take its place in terms of screentime. I doubt this for several reasons: 1. We have seen the dynamic between the Sand Snakes enough by now that them ruling by committee would be a complete disaster and they know it. They are constantly in competition with each other and they like that. 2. They are ladies of action and they would probably kill anyone who suggested they should stay still, in place at Sunspear and rule. 3. In the books they all go in different directions and that is unlikely to have changed for the show given the many actors we have heard say that people are meeting who have not met before and storylines are converging. It is simply FAR more likely that Dornish characters we know go elsewhere than that anyone comes to Dorne. Dorne is NOT a primary location or centre of significant action. I think we will definitely see more of the Sand Snakes this season but they will NOT be in Dorne. Which means Dorne's leadership is an interesting open question.
Post by breakfest on Apr 25, 2016 10:59:31 GMT
I'm sure you've all gone over this multiple times but, having been one of the bigger defenders of Dorne from last year (I mean it wasn't good but I didn't hate it to the same level as almost everyone else), I really did hate this. Felt like such a rushed waste. Only good thing is that we'll barely see any more this season. I presume we'll hear about them from King's Landing heading north to rebel against the crown but little more.
But anyhow the rest of the episode was fantastic. I didn't expect to find Sansa's escape so moving, the way she tried to remember the words to accept Brienne into her service was brilliantly done. I thought this was a particularly strong episode acting-wise. Lena, Carice, Sophie and Gwen were tremendous. Maisie and Emilia too, pretty much all round.
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Post by Deleted on Apr 25, 2016 11:00:23 GMT
Okay Nym and Obara being on that ship still makes no sense to me. And Doran was walking LOL The ship was parked in the harbour. It was not still moving. There was time for them to get on while Jaime was taking Myrcella to shore and consoling Cersei. And Doran was not walking on his own.
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Post by Deleted on Apr 25, 2016 11:13:14 GMT
i think she'll legitimise Tyene and the sandsnakes adn Ellaria will all rule together. But i'm not sure if that was a 'closing' scene and if Dorne will be revisited much if, at all for the rest of the season. The Iron Islands will take its place in terms of screentime. I doubt this for several reasons: 1. We have seen the dynamic between the Sand Snakes enough by now that them ruling by committee would be a complete disaster and they know it. They are constantly in competition with each other and they like that. 2. They are ladies of action and they would probably kill anyone who suggested they should stay still, in place at Sunspear and rule. 3. In the books they all go in different directions and that is unlikely to have changed for the show given the many actors we have heard say that people are meeting who have not met before and storylines are converging. It is simply FAR more likely that Dornish characters we know go elsewhere than that anyone comes to Dorne. Dorne is NOT a primary location or centre of significant action. I think we will definitely see more of the Sand Snakes this season but they will NOT be in Dorne. Which means Dorne's leadership is an interesting open question. Oh I agree with most of that. Its just something I don't think we'll really get to see. Its more likely Ellaria is the leader, because they do seem to listen to her. Yeh but it was just a shock for them to kill Trystane. I mean, really what's the motivation for it? Cersei surely would have had him killed or imprisoned. So why did they need to be there to do it? If they were smart then they'd have others do their bidding
Post by King Tommen on Apr 25, 2016 11:13:19 GMT
The only explanation for Obara/Nym is that they left shortly after the dock scene in the finale on their own boat to follow Jaime's boat so that they could eventually kill Trystane.
They showed the establishing shot of Trystane's boat moored in Blackwater right before the scene and we're also supposed to infer that some time has passed since it got there. They snuck on board, killed Trystane and I imagine, are heading back to Dorne to join up with Ellaria/Tyene. I don't think we'll see any of those characters until later in the season once Varys arrives.
Logically, if there was a plot initiated for this coup by Ellaria and the SS last season, you'd think the easier method would be for them to poison both Myrcella and Trystane at the same time instead of having to follow the boat to kill the other one in KL. But I think it's pretty apparent they didn't have this exact result in mind while writing S5, otherwise they would have gone further down this road in last season's finale instead of course correcting in this premiere.
Post by Zadeth on Apr 25, 2016 11:25:46 GMT
Something needs to happen with Mel to try resurrect Jon. She already saw him and did nothing. I have no idea what gives her the impulse to do it We might get a 'I look in the fire and all R'hllor shows me is Snow' scene?
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Post by Deleted on Apr 25, 2016 11:28:33 GMT
Something needs to happen with Mel to try resurrect Jon. She already saw him and did nothing. I have no idea what gives her the impulse to do it We might get a 'I look in the fire and all R'hllor shows me is Snow' scene? I don't think that would work on-screen. It's the capitalised 'Snow' which gives it meaning in the book, which would obviously not be there on screen unless you have subtitles
Post by Zadeth on Apr 25, 2016 11:33:39 GMT
We might get a 'I look in the fire and all R'hllor shows me is Snow' scene? I don't think that would work on-screen. It's the capitalised 'Snow' which gives it meaning in the book, which would obviously not be there on screen unless you have subtitles Maybe we'll get a monologue in High Valyrian.
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Post by Deleted on Apr 25, 2016 11:33:41 GMT
So far I'm getting the feeling Mel won't be the one to resurrect, well not intentionally. I don't know, but her state of mind needs to change dramatically in the next two episodes. She did already say she saw Jon fighting at winterfell so there's hope her faith is restored.
Post by boojam on Apr 25, 2016 11:39:20 GMT
I thought Joseph Naufahu was good as Khal Moro , apparently a continuing character? Moro's wives where a bit of a surprise, I guess the actresses are in a cast list somewhere? Larger speaking roles than I expected, they were good. Have no feedback yet from David Peterson how all those 'Dothraki' handled Dothraki.
Edit: his blood riders were good too.
Post by boojam on Apr 25, 2016 11:45:58 GMT
Post by boojam on Apr 25, 2016 11:54:57 GMT
So it does seem Edd was right , not exactly, Thorne and only a few others are hard core, the rest of the Watch are , what fence sitters? Defenders of the realm of men , my foot.
Post by Basil on Apr 25, 2016 11:55:23 GMT
So far I'm getting the feeling Mel won't be the one to resurrect, well not intentionally. I don't know, but her state of mind needs to change dramatically in the next two episodes. She did already say she saw Jon fighting at winterfell so there's hope her faith is restored. Maybe her vision of Snow will restore her faith.
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Post by Deleted on Apr 25, 2016 11:57:54 GMT
So far I'm getting the feeling Mel won't be the one to resurrect, well not intentionally. I don't know, but her state of mind needs to change dramatically in the next two episodes. She did already say she saw Jon fighting at winterfell so there's hope her faith is restored. Maybe her vision of Snow will restore her faith. Snow vision would definitely restore my faith I mean I don't particularly like Mel, but I want her to do this resurrection dammit!
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Post by Deleted on Apr 25, 2016 12:04:53 GMT
Thornes scene in castle Black's hall was pretty good. I don't think all of the watch is convinced though. I think when Tormund comes with wildlings next episode some NW men might end up betraying the traitor NW men.
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Post by Deleted on Apr 25, 2016 12:23:07 GMT
Dorne was shit as I expected, but apart from that, the episode was great. I really liked the scenes at the North. Roose's line is definitely coming. I loved Theon killing that Bolton soldier, he seems to want to make up his betrayal by saving Sansa.
Was someone following Tyrion & Varys btw?
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Post by Deleted on Apr 25, 2016 12:23:45 GMT
Thornes scene in castle Black's hall was pretty good. I don't think all of the watch is convinced though. I think when Tormund comes with wildlings next episode some NW men might end up betraying the traitor NW men. Most likely. Edd needs to have some men when the WW breach the Wall.