Post by Zadeth on Sept 26, 2017 13:46:44 GMT
kingeomer I love how you know everything about every cast member! You're a walking encyclopedia! On the one hand I really like Ofelia as a character, but on the other I am getting show Andrea vibes from her (as in, they're going to run her character into the ground and have a redeeming, lacklustre death. I hope she goes out well and I hope Daniel is there with her. I just hope it doesn't set Daniel on the warpath (maybe Ofelia will sacrifice herself for Stand in some way and Daniel will see if Ofelia was willing to die for him, maybe he should put aside his differences)?
I was thinking toward the end of that episode that there was going to be a council developing between Alicia, Ofelia and Crazy Dog - but I'm happy to see Alicia get more airtime.
Yeah I think Troy won't last much longer, but I think he's a good villain in that he'd unpredictable.
Post by kingeomer on Sept 27, 2017 12:09:30 GMT
Zadeth, it's my secret talent. I'm a walking encyclopedia of useless information, nothing that I can make money off of... Useful stuff? I'm like I do like Ofelia as a character but since the show isn't going to kill off Alicia (they better not) or Nick (I wish) and it seems like Ofelia is now channeling the same vibe Alicia is starting to channel, being a leader in her own right, I can't see her lasting. If she does die, I hope her death is meaningful and doesn't set Daniel on the warpath...we need Daniel back with the group, perhaps her death bridges that gap? Troy is a good and unpredictable villain but yeah, he's gonna die soon.
Post by Zadeth on Oct 2, 2017 1:19:36 GMT
Damn. Even though this episode so far has basically been Redshirt Armageddon, the writers really know how to make it emotional and hardhitting. I actually care for these Redshirts.
People on Reddit have dubbed the older blonde lady talking to Alicia 'Morphine Granny', and I think she's my favourite 1 episode character after Eastman in any show.
Post by Zadeth on Oct 2, 2017 2:04:20 GMT
Fantastic episode up until Alicia split off from the group. The splitting up thing has been done to death in this universe. I hope she finds out the truth, kills Troy and then her and Nick go to the Dam.
The writing in this episode was phenomenal, and I can't believe how well they characterised the redshirts and made me feel for them.
Post by kingeomer on Oct 2, 2017 11:56:16 GMT
This has probably been the best episode of the season. What a great show case for Alycia Debham Carey They did do a great job making the audience care for the red shirts. I had a feeling that Madison, Taka and Strand would save the day. Alicia is becoming a strong leader in her own right. It kind of makes me think that their world is not big enough for both Madison and Alicia as leaders. I do agree, having Alicia split off from the group has been overdone in the Walking Dead universe. I don't understand why Nick is covering for Troy? Is Troy actually going to get a redemption arc?
Post by kingeomer on Oct 10, 2017 12:30:10 GMT
This past week's episode.
Just ugh.
Post by Zadeth on Oct 11, 2017 16:14:38 GMT
I haven't watched it yet, planning to watch with dinner tonight.
Post by Zadeth on Oct 12, 2017 18:51:15 GMT
ok so I'm 11 mins in and fuck this episode and its plot
Post by Zadeth on Oct 12, 2017 19:30:09 GMT
Ofelia The scene with Madison and Ofelia outside was beautiful. I am really upset they killed her off. I loved her character. I wish this show would stop killing off main characters left, right and centre. The Travis death was a shock but they are over doing it. Poor Daniel. I was hoping he'd at least get to say goodbye This new girl Alicia met seems like a rip off of Michonne - random black girl a main character meets (who uses zombies for a weird thing - Michonne as bodyguards, this new girl teeth/fingers to sell) after their ranch/farm is overrun with walkers.
Post by day dreamer on Oct 13, 2017 23:54:42 GMT
Spoilers for the next episode are on twdzone.com if anyone cares. Lol
Post by kingeomer on Oct 14, 2017 13:01:01 GMT
Ofelia The scene with Madison and Ofelia outside was beautiful. I am really upset they killed her off. I loved her character. I wish this show would stop killing off main characters left, right and centre. The Travis death was a shock but they are over doing it. Poor Daniel. I was hoping he'd at least get to say goodbye This new girl Alicia met seems like a rip off of Michonne - random black girl a main character meets (who uses zombies for a weird thing - Michonne as bodyguards, this new girl teeth/fingers to sell) after their ranch/farm is overrun with walkers. I agree that the scene with Madison and Ofelia was beautiful. I really feel like Ofelia could have been developed more as a character and they really wasted her. Who is going to be left? I expect Troy to be gone by the end of the season and if not, by early next season. I don't really care if Nick lives or dies. So left of our main cast is Madison, Alicia, Daniel and Strand.
I did feel bad for Daniel. Yes, Alicia's new friend seems like a Michonne rip off. I thought when she first appeared, it was supposed to be Michonne! Spoilers for the next episode are on twdzone.com if anyone cares. Lol You know my bitch ass registered, right? Because I did.
Post by Zadeth on Oct 14, 2017 13:11:18 GMT
Fear is one of the last TV shows I really like. I really want to read the spoilers but I'm going to save the finale for myself
Post by kingeomer on Oct 15, 2017 13:30:30 GMT
I'm not sure if we will be able to stay up for both parts of the finale tonight. So I might be watching part one tonight and part two tomorrow night.
Post by Zadeth on Oct 15, 2017 13:40:58 GMT
Can't watch either tonight as I have class in the morning (will air 2-4am here) so will watch tomorrow night when I get home.
Post by day dreamer on Oct 16, 2017 3:08:17 GMT
Spoilers for the next episode are on twdzone.com if anyone cares. Lol You know my bitch ass registered, right? Because I did. Yay!!
Post by kingeomer on Oct 20, 2017 12:34:55 GMT
Okay, under spoilers...watched the finale and have a bit to say. I will say the now ex-show runner basically cleared the deck for Gimple. I really need to have Nick's unwavering loyalty to Troy explained. I don't get it. To be shocked and angry that madison killed him when admitted what he did and why he did it...NICK, get a brain, because if Madison didn't do it, Daniel would. Madison's Christmas hallucinations were weird...it's almost like we're seeing in order for her to get what she wants-a normal life in this new world-is going to cost her her kids...considering that Otto, Walker,Troy, Jake, Strand and Daniel were all at her Christmas dinner feast. She does feel guilt about killing Otto and I do think she blames herself for how it turned out at the ranch. All we know is Madison survived. Walker and his friend survived. The fates of Alicia, Nick, Strand, Daniel, the biker gang are up in the air and in Gimple's hands. I really wouldn't care if they offed Nick...I think his storyline has been rinse and repeat. I think there could a lot of tension with Madison and Alicia going forward, so that would be interesting to explore. Nice to see a quick appearance of Travis too.
Post by Zadeth on Oct 20, 2017 20:08:03 GMT
holy shit Madison killing Troy was a great twist. I expected him to live a bit longer, but that was a fantastic scene
Post by Zadeth on Oct 20, 2017 20:15:08 GMT
I'm still on episode one of the finale but I swear if they fucking kill off the Clarkes I'm done with this show
Post by Zadeth on Oct 20, 2017 20:36:46 GMT
Post by Zadeth on Oct 20, 2017 20:50:25 GMT